An Inadequate Expression of Thanks

Everyone who has been involved in the development of Edward’s Boys has to express their gratitude to a number of people. No doubt several are missed off this list. Perry Mills accepts responsibility for all omissions.

The project would not have been possible without the support of these in particular:

Tim Moore-Bridger; Bennet Carr; Richard Pearson; Gavin Birkett; Carol Chillington Rutter; Michael Wood; Patrick Spottiswoode; Tiffany Stern; Laurie Maguire; Andy Kesson; Emma Smith; Stanley Wells; John Jowett; Gordon McMullan; Lucy Munro; Helen Barr; Greg Doran; Michael Dobson; Struan Leslie; Elisabeth Dutton; the faux pas Committees past and present; Rebecca Dobbs; Robert Pocknell; Susann Phair; Mark Ellis; Louisa Nightingale; Amanda Wood; Amaryllis Barton; Suzie Vogiaridis; Jose Perez Diez; Martin Butler; Jenny Richards; Andrew Hadfield; Harry McCarthy; Tom Walton; Mary Mills.

David Troughton

David Troughton was appointed Head of Art at K.E.S. in 2001 and before too long became involved with design and construction of the School’s annual productions assisting Perry Mills. His first participation with Edward’s Boys was with The Dutch Courtesan in 2008.

He left teaching in 2009 but has continued to work on productions with Edward’s Boys and Perry, and with  the present Director of Drama and Performance.

David is a practising artist who has exhibited extensively in the U.K. and internationally. David’s website can be visited here, and googling his name with the suffix ‘artist’ (to avoid confusion with the actor of the same name) will throw up examples of his work.

David is available to commission.

Struan Leslie

The first time Struan Leslie worked with Edward’s Boys was on the 2012 production of Westward Ho! Following the first rehearsal two things became clear immediately:

  1. The ostensible reason for bringing in a ‘movement’ director (helping boys to learn to move like girls) was entirely misguided;
  2. Everyone benefitted from Struan’s presence in the rehearsal room.

Neither discovery should have been surprising had we considered it more carefully in advance. What was astonishing was that Struan appeared to find the experience worthwhile himself. Subsequently, he has worked on practically every production and his contribution has been incalculable. Although the boys still tend to walk like boys…

Thank you, Mr Leslie.

Gavin Birkett

Following a highly successful career in BBC Television production Gavin retired to Stratford-upon-Avon – only to begin a new career as a film cameraman and editor! He developed a close relationship with King Edward VI School, producing DVDs of many school events such as concerts, Speech Day and drama productions. He has preserved the entire Edward’s Boys repertoire on film, a unique resource. Gavin’s generosity is matched only by his industry. It is impossible to calculate the number of hours he has spent filming and editing our shows. He has also produced many short films for Perry to use when he speaks at academic conferences. The majority of orders are now from universities world-wide who generally request the entire archive. Thank you, Gavin.


Edward’s Boys is a (state) school theatre company. We have, however, been lucky enough to work with a number of professionals in their field. One of these is Nick Browning, a professional sports photographer ( Perhaps it should come as no surprise to discover that Nick captures theatrical ‘action’ just as well. We remain deeply grateful for Nick’s support.